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Mars Rover Project

IEEE's Mars Rover project is underway! Team members are working in their respective subteams to research and make an initial design for the rover, which will be refined and implemented over the course of the year.

October's Events

Below are our events for the month of October! The Arduino Workshop is a freshman-centered event explaining how Arduino boards are used and programmed, which is extremely useful for freshmen engineering projects! Networking for Engineers by Engineers is a panel event where current Watson students talk about their past internships and how to secure one for yourself. The Southern Tier Technology Symposium is an open conference where professionals in the area present innovative technologies. Like trivia? Come to our trivia event hosted by EECE professor Scott Craver! All events are open to students of all majors and years!

Arduino Workshop: October 14, 7:30PM-8:30PM, EDD Lab

Networking for Engineers by Engineers: October 16, 8PM-9PM, EB R15

Southern Tier Technology Symposium: October 17, 8AM-6PM, ITC Rotunda

Trivia with Scott Craver: October 23, 7:30PM-8:30PM, UU 111