Photo: Students in the Hinman College Public Service Learning Community met with the NoMa Community Center coordinator last month to talk about future engagement opportunities in the North of Main neighborhood. Read more about the PSLC's ongoing partnership with NoMa.
Students are looking for volunteer opportunities — in person and virtual
Hello friends,
Binghamton University is back in session after a two-week pause on in-person activities and instruction, and there are students on campus who are still interested in getting engaged in community projects, whether that be virtually or in person (with health and safety measures in place, of course).
None of us knows for sure how things will proceed with COVID-19, but if your organization is looking for student volunteers, please get in touch with us. We're happy to help you coordinate with them.
As you'll see in some of the stories shared below, students and faculty have already started strengthening some partnerships in the community this summer and fall, despite the challenges of the pandemic.
You can reach us at 607-777-4287 or We wish you well!
Center for Civic Engagement
Binghamton University
Service Listings database updates are live!
The CCE Service Listings database turns six years old this year! During that time, this tool has helped us facilitate nearly 3,600 connections between Binghamton University students and community organizations in the greater Binghamton area, many of which have led to empowering, enriching experiences both for our students and our community.
The database, which allows students and community organizations to connect directly regarding community engagement opportunities, was coded in 2014 by a Binghamton University student. It has served us well, but it was time for a bit of an upgrade, and we are excited to announce that we have completed a total overhaul of this vital service.
If your organization already has a profile in the Service Listings, you should have already received communication about what this means for you. If you did not receive that information or need help accessing your profile, contact us at If you do not currently have a profile, signing up is quick and easy!
Spring placements needed for MSW students
Master of Social Work (MSW) interns are graduate level students interested in working to support our community to create and sustain change for individuals, groups, communities and organizations. Each student provides over 500 hours of service over the course of an academic year.
In exchange for mentoring one of our MSW students, you can benefit from:
Free and/or reduced rates for Social Work Continuing Education workshops
Our Annual Field Appreciation Day Luncheon
Binghamton University Library access
Binghamton University Gym access at a reduced rate
Tuition waiver for Binghamton University coursework
Networking and professional development opportunities
The ability to serve the profession and mentor the next generation of students
Your organization is not required to have a social worker on site to host an MSW intern. With our pool field instructor program, we connect current social workers to supervise social work students who can support the work of your school or agency.
If you are interested in hosting an intern, contact:
John D. Vassello, LCSW
Co-Director of Field Education & Recruitment
Department of Social Work
College of Community & Public Affairs
Binghamton University
Student engagement stories
Youth Initiative volunteers clean up elementary school grounds
CCE Youth Initiative volunteers Jeremias Hernandez and Michael Cuatlal from the Rho Chapter at Latino America Unida Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity, Inc. spent a Friday afternoon cleaning up the atrium at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School in Binghamton. This area had been untouched since the school was shut down in the middle of March, so faculty members were happy to see the atrium restored to its former glory for the return of their students!
Archaeology program for local middle schoolers
The National Science Foundation has awarded a two-year, $295,951 grant to help a team of educators at the Public Archaeology Facility implement an afterschool archaeology program for students in Whitney Point and Windsor schools.
Binghamton University students are signing up to support our democracy this November by working as poll inspectors on Election Day for the Broome County Board of Elections.