From: Kimberly Elsener
Date: September 10, 2020
Subject: A-Team September Updates

Hello A-Team Members! We hope you have all transitioned well to the start of the fall semester, the return of our students and the return to campus for some of us. Since A-Team is not currently meeting in person we want to provide you with some FREE resources to keep you thinking of ways to continue your assessment projects or possibly even begin new ones.

Join NY's Assessment Network

Assessment Network of New York - ANNY is offering Free! Membership for 2020-21. Sign up here

Free memberships allow you to access great webinars like this one:
"Non-Classroom Assessment: Leading by Example"
Tuesday September 22  10am-11am
Register Here (don't forget to sign up for your free membership first)

Two non-classroom departments from a small technical college share their experiences in helping to lead a shift in thinking about assessment for non-classroom units on campus. Both areas, the campus library and campus auxiliary services, have high student impact in their services but are not seen as traditionally academic when it comes to campus assessment efforts. See how these two units re-worked their assessment plans from the mission out to achieve actionable, attainable practices.


Virtual SASpeaks

Check out NASPA Region II's video on "Marie Kondo Your Data – Tidy Assessment”.  Less than 10 minutes!  This video recording from July 27, 2020 is a good reminder of how, what and why we need good data to make informed decisions.

We want to hear from you!

Is there a topic you want to know more about?  Would you like tips on creating a survey in Qualtrics?  Would you like to know how B-Engaged can assist with tracking attendance for your data collection?  Do you prefer attending live webinars?  Email Miriam at to tell us what resources you need this year.

And remember … SAASE staff is available to answer questions, consult and assist you with your assessment projects.  Also check out our webpage for additional resources.