Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity

Become a part of the largest Engineering Fraternity in the nation.


About Us

The purpose of Theta Tau is to develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among its members, and to unite them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship.

We are the only Professional Engineering Fraternity here at Binghamton, and we focus on creating a strong balance between the Social, Brotherhood, Professional Development, and Academic components of fraternal life.

With over 100 active chapters and colonies across the nation, we provide our Brothers with a strong network of both local and national alumni.










Theta Tau is the oldest, largest, and foremost Fraternity for Engineers. Since its founding at the University of Minnesota in 1904, over 40,000 brothers have been initiated. With an emphasis on quality and a strong fraternal bond, the Fraternity has chapters only at ABET accredited schools and limits the number of student members in any one of its chapters across the nation. We aim to provide our members with Professional, Academic, Social, and Brotherhood experiences, as well as access to a large network of professional engineers.

Events & Activities

Each semester, we hold Professional, Academic, Social, Community Service, and Brotherhood events. Some of our past events include Networking Sessions, Volunteering at the TechWorks museum in downtown Binghamton, Job and Internship Panels, Wine Tours, Formals, and Tutoring Sessions. All of our events are open to Brothers and alumni, and some are open to the public.

Exclusive Resources

As the largest and most prominent Engineering Fraternity in the country, we are able to provide our Brothers with an extremely large network of alumni. As a Brother, you will have access to every alumni member across the country, almost all of which now work in professional engineering fields at companies such as Google, BAE, Lockheed Martin, Tesla, and General Dynamics.


In addition to our nation-wide network of alumni, we provide a close-knit network of local Brothers. We are comprised of all engineering majors and are already in many of your classes. We have many Brothers each semester who are your TAs and UCAs, and who have already shared many of the same experiences that you have.

Our Team

Aidan Braun Profile

Aidan Braun



Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity

Binghamton University
Binghamton NY 13902
United States