Thu, Sep 28, 2023

6 PM – 8 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Want to learn to cook some easy meals preparble using just your dorm microwave? Come down to a cooking class (6/28 at 6pm) in the Cullinary MakerSpace, located on the ground floor of Hinman Dining Hall. 2-min breakfast burritos, loaded baked potato, fried rice, and cinnomon apples for dessert! In order to use the Makerspace and participate in any future cooking classes you must complete an online training module through B-Engaged. Also, register for the event in advance through B-Engaged. Limited space avaible so register ASAP to secure your spot.
Food Provided (2-min breakfast burritos, loaded baked potato, fried rice, and cinnomon apples for dessert)