Love Data Week
Upcoming Events
2:50 PM – 4:15 PM
Learn how collect data about your life and use it create 3D data visualizations with everyday craft items. Part of Love Data Week.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
As part of Love Data Week, the Digital Scholarship team is hosting a panel discussion on creating metadata and storing data using the ORB and other repositories for research. The panel includes: Sasha Frizzell (Catalog/Metadata Management Librarian), talking about metadata for data , Caitlin Holton (Digital Initiatives Assistant and ORB Administrator) talking about storing and using the ORB for research data, and Dr. Christina Baer (Ecological Genetics, Research Assistant Professor), who will discuss her experience with both. All are welcome to the important conversation on research data management. Light refreshments will be served.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
The Libraries’ Linked Data Group was launched in January 2023. Through this group, participants gained an understanding of foundational concepts, explored innovative external initiatives, and even developed their own linked data projects. This event includes information about linked data basics, followed by short lightning projects highlighting the work done within the group and the opportunities linked data presents for everyone.