Omega Phi Alpha at Binghamton


Omega Phi Alpha is a sisterhood that serves our communities and develops service-minded leaders.


The purpose and goals of this sorority shall be to assemble its members in the fellowship of Omega Phi Alpha, to develop friendship, leadership, and cooperation by promoting service to the university community, to the community-at-large, to the members of the sorority, and to the nations of the world.









Why Become a member of Omega Phi Alpha?

Omega Phi Alpha is made up of more than 7,000 members with a wide variety of backgrounds. We encourage all members to live by our cardinal principles; whether that means being a strong leader as a mother or a CEO, and whether helping one person or a million. We encourage diversity and enjoy the rewards of having a diverse membership. Being in OPA provides each member with many opportunities. Sisters get to meet new people in and out of the sorority, create a family away from home, test themselves by tackling leadership roles, and most importantly they get to help others.

What is Omega Phi Alpha?

Omega Phi Alpha is a national service sorority with active chapters at universities across the country. OPA's membership is a diverse, multicultural group, reflecting a welcoming attitude. OPA is not a member of the National Panhellenic Council. Instead, Omega Phi Alpha is considered a Greek-letter student organization. New members who are willing to prove their commitment by fulfilling new member requirements are welcome, including those who are members of social sororities.

What is a service sorority, and how is it different from other sororities?

Most of the national sororities in the United States are social sororities. However, Omega Phi Alpha is a service sorority. The two types have much in common, but there are a few distinct differences. Like social sororities, OPA has a "pledge" or "new member" period, where prospective members learn about the sorority's history and policies. OPA has big sisters, social outings, formals, etc., and recognizes that social sororities also participate in service projects. The distinguishing feature is the day-to-day emphasis of each group. Although social sororities have an important role to play on campus, the main emphasis is on fellowship. In contrast, OPA chapters have an ongoing commitment to community service, not just one or two big philanthropic events per year, but national programs where service hours are tracked. Omega Phi Alpha sisters participate in all kinds of hands-on service projects. Without hesitation, they swing hammers with Habitat for Humanity. They help local Girl Scouts earn badges. OPA sisters help sort out donated food at the food bank and answer the phones at the pledge drive for the local PBS station. They pick up trash on the beach or by the highway. It goes on and on, and the members of each chapter select their own projects.

Who can join? Do I have to be a freshman?

Membership is open to any student in good standing with their university. Pledges can be juniors, seniors, and even graduate students. OPA sisterhood is open to members of social sororities, too. OPA offers something special in addition to what social sororities might have. OPA members represent all races and ethnic groups. They live on campus, in apartments, and at home. Some are married. Some are in wheelchairs. Some are international students. Basically, OPA members are a diverse cross-section of campus life. This melding of perspectives is one of our greatest strengths.

Our Team

Allison Kolosovskiy Profile

Allison Kolosovskiy



Omega Phi Alpha Sorority

Binghamton University
Binghamton NY 13902
United States