Mon, Nov 27, 2023

7 PM – 7:30 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Since 1978, NYPIRG's Small Claims Court Action Center helpline has guided consumers across the state to resolve consumer problems, navigate the small claims courts, and collect unpaid judgments. Students who become counselors with NYPIRG have helped tens of thousands of consumers over the years while providing procedural information, assistance, and counseling to students and other community members free-of-charge.

Student counselors receive training and supervision from NYPIRG's experienced consumer attorneys. Through the project, college students develop counseling skills and learn about the legal system. Experience as counselors has helped students get into law school and graduate school, and has provided students with critical work experience and a truly rewarding community service opportunity. Many student counselors are eligible for internship credits from their college or university.

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