Bowling in the Undergrounds
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Are you interested in connecting with other globally minded students? Do you like bowling? Well then you're in luck! Come to this bowling event in the University Union, hosted as a part of the Global Networking Group (GNG) event series. You'll get to meet other students and have fun!
Pizza and drinks will be provided for participants!
See below for more information about GNG:
The Binghamton University GNG aims to promote meaningful interactions between current students, develop intercultural communication skills, and strengthen community among students. The program also strives to be as inclusive as possible - all members of the Binghamton University community are welcome to come to GNG events and there is no strict commitment. GNG is simply a series of casual, fun social events for globally minded Bearcats. To get further updates on the events themselves, please complete our mailing list sign-up here.
Food Provided (Pizza and drinks)
The Lanes, University Union Undergrounds
Binghamton, NY 13902, United States
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: Office of International Education and Global Initiatives
Contact the organizers