Mon, Oct 24, 2022

4 PM – 5:30 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Hear from four Harpur faculty members from across the college in these brief yet fascinating talks. Whether you are an exploring Harpur student or have a major and minor, you won't want to miss hearing from these amazing speakers! Professor DiGangi's research interests are focused on two areas in skeletal biology: bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology; with her bioarchaeological work focusing on the prehistoric Andes and the southeastern U.S., exploring changes in traditional skeletal health markers before and after major subsistence change. Dr. Kirschen is the Chair and former undergraduate director of the Romance Languages Department. He also co-directs the Ladino Collaboratory, which trains students and faculty how to decipher documents written in the language and partners members with speakers from around the world. Professor Zale's research is broadly in the areas of health psychology and behavioral medicine, with an emphasis on interrelations between substance use, pain, and psychopathology. She utilizes an interdisciplinary, multi-methods approach to identify potential mechanisms of action and modifiable treatment targets. Professor Wright received training at the NY Conservatory for Dramatic Arts before completing his MFA in Acting at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. He has performed regionally in theatres throughout the east coast and midwest, and most notably as Harpo in the National Tour of The Color Purple.

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Co-hosted with: Harpur Academic Advising

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