Text reads: Crash course Python for Research. image of a person looking at a laptop. Banner for Crash Course: Python for Researchers

Crash Course: Python for Researchers

by Graduate School

Training Academic Professional Development

Thu, May 22, 2025

9:30 AM – 12 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Graduate students and postdocs in any college are invited to sign-up for a free, week-long Python coding crash course. Participants will learn the basics of Python programming through practical, hands-on assignments that will culminate in a data analysis project. Topics will include: file management, string manipulation, libraries, data cleaning, analysis, and visualisation, textual analysis, and coding environments. All instruction will be offered in-person, there are no plans for a hybrid or online version at this time. There are 25 seats available. This course is co-sponsored by the Binghamton University Libraries Digital Scholarship Center and the Binghamton Codes! Program. Any questions can be directed to Ruth Carpenter (rcarpen@binghamton.edu) or Chelsea Gibson (chelsea.gibson@binghamton.edu).

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Co-hosted with: Digital Scholarship

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