Club Sports

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Club Sports at Binghamton University are student organizations that have been formed by individuals who are motivated by a common interest and desire to participate in a particular sport. More specifically, club sports are formed so the participants can learn new skills, improve existing skills, become more educated about fitness and health, engage in competition and enjoy recreational and social fellowship. All club sport programs provide a safe, respectful and dignified extracurricular experience. The club sports program is student run and student initiated and is coordinated through Campus Recreational Services, a department within the Division of Student Affairs and funded by the Student Association.









Members Benefits

Membership benefits include (define your member benefits under group settings)

Events & Activities

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.

Exclusive Resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.

Our Team

Gino Chu Profile

Gino Chu

Edwin Florez Profile

Edwin Florez

Cameron Montalbano Profile

Cameron Montalbano

Patrick McMahon Profile

Patrick McMahon

Samuel Azzarello Profile

Samuel Azzarello

Caroline Hennessy Profile

Caroline Hennessy

Connor Young Profile

Connor Young

Harrison Ma Profile

Harrison Ma

Mya Thibault Profile

Mya Thibault

Maris Ryan Profile

Maris Ryan

Thomas Zagrobelny Profile

Thomas Zagrobelny

Jolie Mastey Profile

Jolie Mastey

Aletheia Ieta Profile

Aletheia Ieta

Isabella DiBenedetto Profile

Isabella DiBenedetto

Craig Dube Profile

Craig Dube

Matthew Ingber Profile

Matthew Ingber

Hannah Gordon Profile

Hannah Gordon

Kevin Chen Profile

Kevin Chen

Riley Peckman Profile

Riley Peckman

Ava Field Profile

Ava Field

Francesca Brizio Profile

Francesca Brizio

Sara Phelps Profile

Sara Phelps

Alaina Gumble Profile

Alaina Gumble

Mariella Koufalis Profile

Mariella Koufalis

Meghan Marthia Profile

Meghan Marthia

Matthew Stancampiano Profile

Matthew Stancampiano

Allen Cao Profile

Allen Cao

Jason Manse Profile

Jason Manse

Daniel Beck Profile

Daniel Beck

Thomas Joyce Profile

Thomas Joyce

Brady Harris Profile

Brady Harris

Penelope Batts Profile

Penelope Batts

Thomas Spencer Profile

Thomas Spencer

Matthew Ellison-Davidson Profile

Matthew Ellison-Davidson

Aidan Lam Profile

Aidan Lam

Adriana Papadakis Profile

Adriana Papadakis

Sally Voska Profile

Sally Voska

Jax Todorovic Profile

Jax Todorovic

Justin Franks Profile

Justin Franks

Sydney Nierstedt Profile

Sydney Nierstedt

Mary Penfield Profile

Mary Penfield

Luke Costanzo Profile

Luke Costanzo

Emily Serrano Profile

Emily Serrano

Nicholas Muglia Profile

Nicholas Muglia

Ari Wechsler Profile

Ari Wechsler

Ernest Pang Profile

Ernest Pang

Kris van der Veur Profile

Kris van der Veur

Anna Caruso Profile

Anna Caruso

Zak Tinsley Profile

Zak Tinsley

Aliana Slaven Profile

Aliana Slaven

Kevin Clifford Profile

Kevin Clifford

Grace Wellbrock Profile

Grace Wellbrock

Roy Jacobson Profile

Roy Jacobson

Allison Cohen Profile

Allison Cohen

Jin Kim Profile

Jin Kim

John Milham Profile

John Milham

Aydan Barrett Profile

Aydan Barrett

Ciara Collins Profile

Ciara Collins

Evan Kirkpatrick Profile

Evan Kirkpatrick

Robert Kwortnik Profile

Robert Kwortnik

Megan Patterson Profile

Megan Patterson

Gregory Kolker Profile

Gregory Kolker

Anoushka Mahajan Profile

Anoushka Mahajan

Mark Voicu Profile

Mark Voicu

Clayton Greene Profile

Clayton Greene

Bassie Chin Profile

Bassie Chin

Emma Lusthaus Profile

Emma Lusthaus

Lily Hawryluk Profile

Lily Hawryluk

Alyssa Lam Profile

Alyssa Lam

Elizabeth Rienits Profile

Elizabeth Rienits

Carmen Tan Profile

Carmen Tan

Sean O’Donnell Profile

Sean O'Donnell

Ryan Linder Profile

Ryan Linder

Ethan Wiener Profile

Ethan Wiener

Robert Ambrosino Profile

Robert Ambrosino

Emma Gardner Profile

Emma Gardner

Aaron Mickulas-Mesco Profile

Aaron Mickulas-Mesco

John Birchwood Profile

John Birchwood

Emmanuel Bellido Profile

Emmanuel Bellido

Connor Dunham Profile

Connor Dunham

Sarah Groh Profile

Sarah Groh

Caroline Slaney Profile

Caroline Slaney


Club Sports

Binghamton University
Binghamton NY 13902
United States